Please fill in the form below, then print out and fax to us at 66-53-279019. We will then check for room availability from your request and will send a fax reply to confirm if we have accepted your reservation.

* Required fields

Guest Information
  First Name:* Last Name:*  
  Street Address: Town / City:  
  State / Province: Zip / Postal Code:  
  Phone Number:   Fax Number:*  
Reservation Information
  Type of Room :
  No. of Room(s) :
  No. of Adult (s) :
  No. of Children :
  Check-in Date :
  Check-out Date :
  Other Requirements :
e.g. extra bed
Flight Information (if any)
  Flight name and number    
  Arrival:     Date/Time of Arrival:
  Departure: Date/Time of Departure:
Payment Information
  We require a non refundable one night deposit when you make a reservation. Your card detail will not be stored in the database.
  Please enter your credit card information    
  Name On Card:    
  Card Number:    
  Card Type:    
  Expiration Date: